
Are You a Side Sleeper? Learn How an Adjustable Bed is the Right Choice for You.

We all know the benefit of having a good night’s sleep, but what if your preferred position causes you aches and pains? Naturally you would look for a better solution!

The three main sleeping positions are back, stomach and side. While every sleeping position has its pros and cons, our bodies move into our desired position throughout the night, even when it’s causing us issues.

A few facts about side sleepers

Side sleepers will sleep on their left or right sides. However, sleeping on the left side can provide a number of benefits to the body, including:

  • Better digestion
  • Proper drainage of toxins
  • Improved blood circulation

However, even on the left side, unsupported sleep can cause pain in the shoulders and back, as well as placing undue pressure on the stomach and lungs.

So how is a Bedz2U adjustable electric bed a good solution for side sleepers?

It can elevate and support different parts of your body. Raising your head or legs can make sleeping more comfortable and benefit side sleepers significantly by:

  • Working on your spinal alignment-side sleeping can strain your hips, shoulders and neck, and you may even feel some tingling and numbness in these areas. Many side sleepers will use extra pillows to prop up their head and shoulders, as well as between their legs, to gain the greatest comfort. With an adjustable electric bed, you will no longer need to rely on this as you can position your head and legs independently to ensure a comfortable alignment.
  • Providing pressure relief-sometimes side sleepers can put extra burden on pressure points in their body, which can have a negative effect on the function of the internal organs. An adjustable electric bed can relieve that pressure and ensure a restful night’s sleep.
  • Improving blood flow-since your body remains in a comfortable position throughout the night, the result is improved blood flow and a better sleep.
  • Lessening sleep apnea-sleep, apnea can be triggered by poor sleeping positions. Elevating your head can greatly reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea, and an adjustable electric bed allows you to do this without relying on extra pillows.

An adjustable electric bed is the answer for you! Give us a call on 1800 233 928 so we can show you all of the benefits of side sleeping on an adjustable electric bed!