
Things to Look Out for Before You Buy an Adjustable Electric Bed

After hearing about all of the benefits, you have finally made the decision to purchase an adjustable electric bed for yourself or a loved one! This investment into your health and well being is a wise one. However, you need to ensure the product you choose suits your requirements.

There are a few things you will need to take into consideration before you purchase your adjustable electric bed.

Is it easy to use?

It is essential that your new adjustable electric bed is easy to use. Go through the control options and ensure they are easy to understand, and that they are easily accessible when laying on the bed. If you are looking for a larger size, consider whether you want the bed split in the middle? If so, do you need one handset that controls both sides, or would you prefer two handsets that control each side independently? This will allow two sleepers to have their desired choice of incline without disturbance.

Will it be delivered and assembled?

Delivery and assembly are significant considerations with your purchase of an adjustable electric bed. The convenience of having your new bed delivered and assembled so it’s ready to use that night will save you a lot of time and energy. Ensure your installer runs through the functionality and controls after it is assembled.

Is it aesthetically appealing?

Even if the primary purpose of an adjustable electric bed is to provide an increased comfort level and alleviate certain medical conditions and sleep disturbances, you still want it to look stylish in your home! The design of these beds has come along away in the past 5 years, and they no longer have the sterile medical feel you may associate them with. You don’t have to sacrifice style for comfort anymore!

Is it a reasonable price?

There are many price variations in adjustable electric beds. You will want an affordable, durable and long lastig bed that suits all of your purposes.

With all these considerations in mind Bedz2U is the answer! We ensure the right product for you, delivered and assembled, all at a reasonable price. Best of all, we come to you! Our mobile showroom means you can make your decision in the comfort of your own home.

Call us today on 1800 233 928